Thursday, June 23, 2011


Been playing with my embroidery machine and exploring the generous patterns shared by a friend.  I have a project to do for a friend....just finished a gift for a former boss...wall hanging....
Skip prefers I not sew so much. Hmmm...not sure what to do with myself in retirement...can't watch TV all day. Will go nuts.   Have to figure this out I guess.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

It's another year!

I'm blessed with another year of life and health.     Received many good wishes from friends and family, for which I am MOST grateful and humbled by their kindness, love, and special places in my life. Nothing from my own children--yet....the day is young I suppose.

Skip surprised me with cards this morning and we are doing seafood for dinner...mmm looking forward to that.   My pal, Dixie, is taking me to lunch at Marigold's...should be yummy and good Christian fellowship.

Lovely day dawned. Up at 4:30 for some stupid reason. Couldn't go back to sleep. Wonder if the full moon has anything to do with it?

Been digging and working in the yard.  Finally getting to look like real flowerbeds out there!

Those terrible wild fires down in AZ and now NM are just wreaking havoc.  How tragic and so disastrous for those folks.

Dragged the Kindle out this a.m. after morning devotions.  Love reading the it.

Blessings for the day...   :)

Monday, June 13, 2011


Oy....four days' camping in Buena Vista, CO and NOW back home to laundry, cleaning up, putting away.  I wanna go BACK to Buena Vista and camp some more.  Got to see a lot of things we haven't had time or opportunity to see and the campground and fellow campers were so nice.     Just tired....

Warm weather. Sunny skies.  Fires in AZ and now NM are threatening air quality all over the place.  What a terrible situation for all involved.

Played with the darning function of the new machine. Pretty cool!  All those tears and holes are now fixed!

Hugs and love

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Where there's smoke...

..there's fire. Way south in Arizona, now New Mexico, and southern Colorado.  Sheesh.  BAD air quality crossing several states from smoke. Albuquerque is a 'smoke out' for visibility.  Awful. Just awful....

Got hot quick here.  90's and record setting.  NO humidity that is a/c in the house but if we use the ceiling fans and keep the house closed during the day it stays pretty decent.  Nights are heavenly!!!

Still playing with the new sewing/embroidery machine.  Finished up two projects that were on the project down to playing...

Heading to Buena Vista for a few days, in a few days.  Will be good to veg out. Found out they have hot springs near there....hmmmm..might don some shorts and T shirt and brave it.   NO swimsuits for this girl....those days are long gone!      :)

Got the mop chopped...or at least trimmed up.  MUCH needed. Since I retired, I kinda let some things go...time to get into some semblance of shape.

Back still acting up. Hips, too. gottaluvit....

Blessings to all

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The machine has arrived!

Ok. I am nutso this afternoon.  Got rested up from company...been tracking my new sewing/embroidery machine via UPS tracking and waited most of the day for it to get here....and IT'S HERE.....I have been watching the tutorial DVD part of the evening here....between making supper.   now have to find a new home for  my other basic machine....can't wait to get started doing fun things on the new machine..learning curve big time.  A friend in Florida is helping me learn this brave new world.  So generous and helpful..

We have major winds today. Gusts are really a mess...bringing the smoke up north here from the Trinidad area fires near the southern border of the state.  Unreal that the winds can carry smoke that far...but it's a mess down there and this is just a small inconvenience compared to what they are experiencing.   It has been one weird season for tornadoes, fires, floods.    God is talking. Are we listening?  

Our elder son turned 43 yesterday. We have a 44th anniversary tomorrow.  Geez.  And our one granddaughter will be 21 on the 10th.  Where does time march on to?  Off into the sunset I guess.

Dad and Gladys got to their respective homes safely.  All is well there. Dad is getting his new apartment in order...we plan to visit for his 80th birthday next month.

Hip Xrays today. One darn thing after another.  Have a lot of hip pain....have for need to figure out what is going on.  Probably Arthur (that is pseudonym for arthritis in our house!)f  All those years on horseback and an occasional fall here and there certainly didn't help.   Doc smiled. Said it's not uncommon when horse people reach their 60's that these things start to pop up..   Still no word on the MRI....guess I do have a brain after all!  The Cozaar the doc gave me seems to have helped the migraines..none so far in May!  Let's hope June is the same....

Went from cool to hot in a day.  91 yesterday and almost the same today. Whew...these winds must be bringing in the change in weather fronts.

T-t-h-h-a-a-t's all folks!