Monday, August 29, 2011


Bottom line is that family is safe.  Very inconvenienced with no power and lots of tree limb type damages, mud, etc.   Blessed that all are safe and ok.

Projects in progress....

 Snowman table topper for the winter season..

Fall hot mats and 'summer' themed mini wall hanging...pattern from Pearl Louise.  Got the entire season selections...winter and do...kinda cute...same cottage and tree in different seasons. Need to get the hanger put up somewhere. I found one that you can hang permanently, then change the little quilts as the seasons change...without taking the hanger itself off the wall.
Fall table progress. Need to finish binding....pinned to the "project" wall....!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Irene! Oh, Good Night, Irene!!

Huge hurricane aiming at the East Coast. Worried about my kids....grown ups as well as the grandkids...and friends and family.   Praying all goes well. Sean and Adriene had vacation on the Outer Banks and had to evacuate. What a bummer!!!

Had Cheyenne here for 5 days and was good to have her and do stuff with her...went fishing. Went wading in the river up in Eleven Mile Canyon...always...did Pike's Peak and for the first time saw Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep up there....she is our good luck charm....!  Saw them out by Garden of the Gods, too, near Glen Eyrie. Awesome.

Workin' on sewing and small quilting projects.  Hot mats, wall hangings, table runners. May try to sell on line.

Been hotter than normal here, but we do get rain every that is a blessing. Poor Texans are just baking and suffering unimaginable heat and drought.  God love 'em.

Air Force Football season starting soon.  Tailgaters are meeting to do menu planning for the tailgate gatherings before the games.  Should be fun.

Skip and I are trying acupuncture for our "old folks" aches and pains...shoulders, neck, knees, etc. So far, so good. Thought I'd freak out. No one on the planet is as needle-phobic as I am...but it's painless....we'll see how long we hang in there and have results.

Blessings for the day...

Monday, August 15, 2011


Spent a lovely four days in WY camping.  Lovely breezes, clear skies.  Great time putzing around Cheyenne. Hope to go to the Bridger-Teton area sometime!!!

Visited a quilt shop in Cheyenne (imagine that?!) and found a hanger for my most recent wall quilt...and their shop had so many wonderful things! Like looking at a Fons and Porter magazine, only being able to touch and feel all the "stuff" that is in the magazine.  They do a great job of displaying and offering things!!!

Lots of sadness in our friends' lives...their son, Chris, passed away and two days later, the father's brother committed the family has TWO funerals this week. Dear Lord. Hold them close in Your almighty arms.  They need Your strength!

Blessings for the day

Monday, August 8, 2011

Free fallin'

The economy is just in a free fall and everyone is pointing fingers rather than trying to solve the problem. Good grief.  Makes me sick.  Get a housewife, with five kids, who has to balance a budget of like $35,000 a year to solve it. You can't spend more than you make and expect a successful outcome.   Have to wait and see.   Our future is in God's hands...I am praying for some enlightened leaders to emerge who follow His principles and see what we can do to bring America back to its former greatness. The past few years have been a train wreck based on ideology not reality.

Friends are losing their son. Basically a death watch now. Very sad. I can not even imagine such a journey.

Nice weather all just coming together nicely the past few days.

Getting ready for a trip to Wyoming ...going campin'.....can't wait.

Working on a mini quilt/wall hanging. Having fun doing a small, fast project...still lovin' my fabric adventures.

Blessings for the day and always.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

August in Colorado...

It has been so lovely and sunny during the day with no humidity, then around supper every day, a heavy thunder and lightening storm to wet things down (thank you, Lord!!) and relieve the heat and any drought we were suffering.  It's been lovely, just lovely.

Today Skip turns 64.   Another year.....

We are headed to Wyoming for a few days next week. Just camping and putzing around. No special Wyoming in the summer.

The ravens were going out of their minds the other day and after about 30 minutes of that, I asked Skip to see what they were squawking about.  He walked up to the open space and he said there sat a gorgeous great horned owl. The ravens were fussing because they don't like owls and wanted him OUTTA there.....Skip came back to tell me about the owl and till I grabbed my camera and got back up there with him, the ol' boy had flown the coop.  Bummer....wanted to see him big time....but it wasn't to be.  We checked trees in the area but he'd really gone away.  We also have a hawk couple that are out there crying and screeching every day.   That forlorn cry they the old Western movies...pretty cool.

Friends and former neighbors from PA are making a marathon trip across the US and Canada. Were in Denver yesterday and will be here for a visit today and maybe overnight.

Getting anxious to see our third oldest granddaughter this month!! She's coming for a week to visit and bringing a gal pal with her.  Can't wait to see her!

Been sewing.  Made tea cozies for an order Yvonne had for me. Bless her heart. LOVING the Go! Baby AccuQuilt cutter..makes those charm squares in a flash!  Need to see what other cutting dies I need for my passion for fabric and sewing!

Haven't heard a lot from the East Coast...but their lives are busy I guess with summer activities with the kiddos....busy busy lives!

Blessings for the day