Friday, March 11, 2011

Of Chinooks and Tsunamis....

The dog and I were awaken with a shake of the house around 5:00 a.m. GMT.  A Chinook had blown in! It's ok. Just 'big winds'.... Snuggle back down in the covers and wait for REAL morning.   I get up around 6:30 to a pup softly licking my hand letting me know it's daylight.  Well, ok..since you put it that way!   I hear the wind whipping the house and am bummed that horseback riding will probably be cancelled AGAIN.  Skip realizes I am up and tells me to come quickly and see the news....Japan. 8.9.  Tsunami.   Loss of life, property, livelihoods.  Fires. Nuclear plant not behaving itself.   How dare I feel sorry about HORSEBACK RIDING when people are dying.   Geez.  We pray for those in harm's way all around the Pacific and elsewhere.  How devastating....

The ladies and I did go horseback riding after all, though.  The Chinook winds died down by the time we got to the stables. We were blessed with a peaceful and refreshing ride through the Academy pine forests and little valleys. There is a lot of melting snow somewhere so the little streams that are sometimes trickling or even dry were full. The horses enjoyed a refreshing freezing drink from pristine waters.  It was be out and in nature.  Our conversations were few among the four of us, but when we did speak we thought of those in Japan and their losses.  We just can't fathom it and take it in.

Praying for those dear souls......

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