Had a huge snowstorm north and east of us. We got a smidge..little or nothing and melted next day. We are so blessed here. I LOVE looking at Pike's Peak with a new coat of snow up there. And I say "Up There" because I would like it to stay UP THERE!
Worked on a small log cabin quilt for my uncle in New Mexico. Have a slip up on it but till I realized it, too far into finishing to pull apart and fix. Won't fall apart...all secure...warm...finished. If you are looking at it from the back of a running horse, you will never notice it. In the mail tomorrow.
Skip's mom had pneumonia this week but is markedly improved. Dodged a bullet there. Was actually in the activity room playing Scrabble yesterday! What a blessing and answers to prayers.
Sunshine and blue skies today. Went to Church on the Ranch...always a blessing to go there. GREAT people and great down-to-earth Biblical teaching.
Talked to "the kids" back in PA and MD yesterday. GREAT to hear their voices. Miss 'em!
Blessings to all.